Whitefish is the back bone of our daily business at J.P. Klausen & Co.
We have established our selves as a leading supplier world wide of single and twice frozen MSC Hoki as well as single and twice frozen MSC Alaskan Pollack. We continue to expand our scope on MSC Hake and Southern Blue Whiting, Cod and many more.
Through the representation of our global base of fishing companies and our network with external suppliers we can offer our customers the security of supply ,volume, price and quality.
Our strong supply chain secures the needs of our clients to every detail, be it a frozen at sea fish block, surimi base block, a fish fillet or the highest quality IQF portions and loins.
Common Name Alaska Pollock Latin Name Theragra Chalcogramma Origin USA
Common Name Hake Capensis Latin Name Merluccius Capensis Origin South Africa
Common Name Hake Hubbsi Latin Name Merluccius Hubbsi Origin Argentina
Common Name Hoki Latin Name Macruronus magellanicus Origin Chile
Common Name Hoki Latin Name Macruronus novaezelandiae Origin New Zealand
Common Name Pacific Cod Latin Name Gadus Macrocephalus Origin USA
Common Name Southern Blue Whiting Latin Name Micromesistius Australis Origin New Zealand