J.P. Klausen & Co. A/S
J.P. Klausen & Co. A/S

We look forward to seeing you at the coming Seafood Expo Global 2025, in Barcelona Spain.

Please find us at booth: 2F301.


Nototodarus Sloanii


J.P. Klausen & Co offers a full assortment of commercial Squid products. Our customers have a benefit of choosing the right product for their specific needs.

The species we supply: Argentinian squid (Illex spp.),  New Zealand Arrow Squid (N. sloani), Giant Squid  (Dosidius gigas), Pacific Squid (Todarodes pacificus). Also we offer full range of Loligio squids such as: California squid (L. opalesens), Indian squid (L. duvaceli), Asian squid (L. formosana), South African Squid (L. reynaudii).

We welcome you to discuss with our sales team the best suited options.